
  • To create an attractive website that give easy access to the information about Malacca such as foods, entertainment, places and others.
  • To promote the uniqueness and attractiveness of historical place in Malacca.
  • To attract more tourists especially foreign tourists to travel at Malacca.
  •  To boost and increase the number of tourists to Malacca.
  • To increase Malaysia’s tourism revenue. 

Three main things:

We love FOOD
We love to TRAVEL
We love to have FUN

"You only live once, so just go for it!"

Malacca is one of the most historical place in Malaysia that attracts the attention of most tourist, no matter it's local tourist or foreign tourist, regardless what generations they are. Besides, Malacca contains a lot of other culture that other part of Malaysia have in very little amount, such as Baba and Nyonya. With this culture practiced by Malacca residents, they created a lot of food that attract the attention of food seekers around the world. Hence, the demographic of Malacca doesn't meant for only one single generation but whole generation and also those people that are interested in finding good food.

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